The ISS Appointment Setter is an innovative AI-powered system designed to automate and streamline the process of scheduling appointments. It leverages advanced language models and speech recognition technology to conduct real-time phone conversations with clients, handling appointment bookings efficiently and naturally.
Key features of the ISS Appointment Setter include:
AI-driven customer-management interface
Real-time speech-to-speech capabilities
Integration with existing calendar systems (Microsoft and Google)
Custom scripts and action for AI Agents for professional workflows
Continuous learning and improvement through feedback
This system aims to reduce the workload on human staff, improve appointment scheduling efficiency, and enhance the overall customer experience by providing a seamless booking service.
This project implements an AI-powered appointment setting system using Next.js, Ruby on Rails, and various LLM services.
External integrations
- OAuth Authentication - users sign in with Microsoft, which we utilize for authentication, authorization, and calendar integration (Outlook)
- Lightning.ai gpu hosting
User Story
AS an employee making calls to set appointments for licensed organizations I WANT an AI assistant to make appointments for me while staying compliant I WANT an easy way to see my customers, last contact date, how calls have went, and to call based on criteria
AS a professional who needs automated AI appointment setting with my current customers I NEED an agent that can effectively set up those customer appointments and give me clear visiblity into those interactions SO THAT I can ensure my clients are utilizing our available products and services
Acceptance Criteria - Milestone Features
user has clear calendar and upcoming appointments synced with their microsoft calendar
user can upload a list of current customers, and can queue up names that they want to have the AI agent call
a user clicks a button from next.js frontend to call a list of names and numbers they have queued up
this initiates a call to the ruby on rails backend which then initiates a call to the queued phone numbers
as it calls, on our end is an LLM application that will actually be handling the phone call once someone answers.
Calls have a customized, professional voice with a customized scripts
If it goes to voicemail, we need to leave a message saying “calling from ___ office to set an appointment”
If they answer, then the AI agent needs to be able to latency-free respond and set up an appointment into a microsoft calendar
we use the freeswitch CDR and AI conversation transcript to create a record for each queued number, since these numbers will be long time customer profiles that records if they answered, when they last answered, how the history of calls have gone with them, and if they have an active appointment or when they had their last one.
Integrate mini-omni to be on the outgoing calls
set up calendar integration and give info for mini-omni to set up appointments
set up function for calendar appointment andgive ini-omni access to the function
refine a basic appointment setter script
set up database schemas and instructions for managing calls and customer data
set up monitoring and feedback for critical call status (duration, voicemail)
set up tests - integration, unit, and regression
clone repo to make a custom solution for AFI - microsoft only and scripts
should be ready
possible next steps for the iss appointment setter
Other links
ISS setter system prompt
LLM Phone Caller System Architecture
Implementing Google and Microsoft OAuth in Next.js with App Router
ISS Profit Estimation and Stakeholder Proposal